Religion Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Brahma stood, considered the mirrors, considered Vishnu.

"So after we have disposed of Sam, you will have been the real Tathagatha." (5.204-205)

The gods use their religion to consume Sam's, making it less of a threat. In fact, religious history shows that religions often consume aspects of other cultures and religions as a way to integrate societies together. Christmas tree, anyone?

Quote #8

"The Buddha has gone to nirvana," said Brahma. "Preach it in the Temples! Sing it in the streets! Glorious was his passing! He has reformed the old religion, and we are better now than ever before! Let all who would think otherwise remember Keenset!" (6.794)

Now that they've fully implemented the plan above, the gods may give Sam all the praise he wants. He's one of them now, whether he likes or not.

Quote #9

"I agree with everything you said to Yama, and so do the followers of the one they called the Buddha." (7.485)

It's sometimes said that in every religion you'll find one key feature common amongst them all. We call it the Golden Rule. We aren't sure if this is true or not, but this scene sure has us wondering about it.