Identity Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"[…]. We brought you back to tell us what to do. Pray think about it carefully, now that you are yourself once more."

"You are always stressing those last words."

"Yea, preacher. For you have not been battle-tested since your return from bliss… Tell me, can you make the Buddhists?"

"Probably, but I might have to assume an identity I now find distasteful." (7.139-142)

Sam's become pretty adept at this multi-aspects of self thing; he has assumed so many different roles. We wonder if Yama isn't right to stress those last words. How would Sam know if he is his true self? What is his true self? What is ours? Who are you? What are we doing here…?