Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The wilderness came to the edge of the City and stopped. It was forbidden to enter there, just as the City kept to its bounds. (5.17)

The Celestial City is a place of hedonistic freedom, but even it has definitive boundaries. Take the wilderness into the wilderness and leave it there.

Quote #8

"The senses are horses and objects the roads they travel," said the voice. "If the intellect is related to a mind that is distracted, it loses then its discrimination," and Sam recognized the mighty words of the Katha Upanishad roaring at his back. (5.377)

In other words, it's in your head, mate. The mind is an important tool when considering what the freedoms and confinements of the self are.

Quote #9

"I cannot die, Siddhartha, save by my own choosing."

"How can that be, Lord Yama?"

"Let Death keep his own small secrets, Binder. For I may choose not to exercise my option in his battle." (6.540-542)

Another confinement of the human condition: We aren't free to choose when we die. Well, unless you're the god of death it seems; dude gets all the special privileges.