Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 6 Quotes

Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Kyrian Hunter

Quote 4

"There's nothing you can steal from me that I can't replace. Things mean very little to me." (6.137)

What was that Kyrian was saying about problems? His new problems are very easy to solve, simply by throwing money at them. Maybe we'll find out more about Kyrian's tough life in the later books of the series.

Quote 5

"Honestly, you have no idea how much your parents love you until something happens to you—then it's too late." (6.91)

We're not sure what Kyrian means here. What happened to him? Why is it too late? Does this have to do with immortality, and dying to achieve it? Perhaps he was able to see how his parents grieved for him after his own "death." That would be difficult to witness.

Quote 6

His jaw went slack as they pulled up to a gate that opened into what had to be the biggest house he'd ever seen. It was a huge Grecian-style home with Doric columns supporting what seemed to be a never-ending porch. Top and bottom. (6.54)

Kyrian is different not only because he's a supernatural creature of sorts, but also because he's crazy rich. Going to his house means that Nick is out of his comfort some in more ways than one.