Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 6 Quotes

Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

The true monsters in this world, the people like his dad, were real and human through and through. Which was what made them so dangerous. (6.8)

This is a good line, but keeping in mind what we said earlier about the literal monsters in this world, this isn't exactly true. When we later get to know Nick's father a little more, we learn that he isn't entirely human. Does that make him less dangerous? Or does it make him more dangerous?

Quote 2

"My parents died a long time ago. And you know the sad thing? I still miss them every day. […] I swear to you, you'll miss them when they're gone." (6.112)

This sentence feels like foreshadowing. We doubt Nick would care if his dad died, but he would be devastated if anything happened to his mother. She's fine in this book, but we wonder what her fate looks like in the rest of the series.

Kyrian Hunter

Quote 3

"Let me put it to you this way…money doesn't solve your problems. It just brings new ones to your door." (6.99)

We're not sure what these problems are that Kyrian has. Sometimes monsters try to kill him, but monsters try to kill Nick, too, and it's a lot harder to deal with monsters when you're poor. Kyrian, at least, can afford better weapons.