Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Questions

  1. How does Nick change over the course of the book?
  2. Nick's young life is greatly influenced by his poverty. How would his life be different if he had come from a more affluent family?
  3. There are at least seven more books in the series. Where do you think Nick will go from here?
  4. Why is Nick subjected to bullying by others? How does he cope with it?
  5. Some people are nice to Nick, which surprises him. What traits do Nick's friends see in him and admire?
  6. Do you see similarities between this series and other paranormal series you have read? What does this book do differently from other books?
  7. Kenyon uses a lot of pop culture references. Do you understand her references? What do they add to the book? Do these references date the novel, or do they root it in a certain time?
  8. If you've read the Dark-Hunters series, how does young Nick in Infinity compare to older Nick from the Dark-Hunters books? What aspects of his personality are familiar to you? How is he different? Does seeing him as a teenager change your opinion of his character?
  9. Who would you cast in the movie adaptation of the book?