Lust Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The thing [Akiva] wished for most was a thing he had never wished for at all, not until he had discovered [Madrigal]. And it came true that night, and many nights after. A brief and shining span of happiness. (40.14)

This is something Akiva thinks about while fondling Karou's wishbone, so we're pretty sure what he's thinking about… But is Karou the only reason he originally wanted to end the beast war? Does peace come into the equation at all?

Quote #8

[Karou] knew what she wanted. She wanted what her hands wanted: to touch Akiva, and not just with her fingertips, and not with caution, and not with fear or causing him pain. (41.18)

Karou really wants Akiva here. But she knows that real love shouldn't hurt. Conundrum.

Quote #9

A whisper of a thrill came over [Madrigal] at the thought of [Thiago]. (48.34)

Here's one of those little SAT analogies for you: Thiago:Madrigal :: Kaz:Karou. Both Thiago and Kaz are hot, a little different (Thiago, kind of a werewolf; Kaz, kind of a vampire), and drive Madrigal/Karou wild with lust... but neither are the right "men" for her.