Daughter of Smoke & Bone Theme of Lust

Lust: it's arguably the most fun of the seven deadly sins. It's also inevitable in any novel that is raging with teen hormones, like Daughter of Smoke and Bone. A big part of Karou's coming-of-age journey is learning to separate lust from love. But love and lust are so tightly intertwined that separating them feels impossible sometimes. Take Akiva, Karou's long-lost love interest; we can't read two pages about the dude without being reminded just how hot he is, with those chiseled features, those smoldering eyes, that... Ahem. Where were we? We'll be talking about love later, but for now it's all about lust.

Questions About Lust

  1. How much of Zuzana and Mik's relationship is driven by lust?
  2. Why was Karou attracted to Kazimir?
  3. Why is Karou so attracted to Akiva? How much influence do you think Madrigal's old feelings have on her lust for Akiva?
  4. Is Thiago's attraction to Madrigal based in lust, or does he have other reasons for wanting to marry her?