Lust Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Beauty," Brimstone had scoffed once. "Humans are fools for it. As helpless as moths who hurl themselves at fire." (29.4)

True dat. But, Brimstone, as your ward Madrigal proved, chimaera are suckers for beauty too. She just could not stop starting at Akiva's beautiful face.

Quote #5

[Zuzana] cast a sidelong glance at Karou and said, in helpless amazement, "Oh, hell. Must. Mate. Immediately." (33.8)

Akiva's good looks seem to inspire lust in just about everyone. None of the people who saw the angels when they were burning handprints onto doors seemed to be consumed with lust, though. Why do you think that is?

Quote #6

It was tantalizing. Karou didn't think. She reached for Akiva's hand. And shocked a pulse into it. (34.28)

Although Karou is actually shocking Akiva—using her paranormal hamsa powers that just love energy-blasting angels—this "shock" could also be representative of lust.