Lies and Deceit Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Karou's] hair did grow out of her head that color, pure as ultramarine straight from the paint tube, but that was a truth she told with a certain wry smile, as if she were being absurd. (2.28)

Karou's an expert at telling the truth, and telling it slant. (Yo, Emily Dickinson. What up?) When the truth is so ridiculous that no one will ever believe it, you can still tell that truth, but it'll inevitably sound like a joke. So ham it up, kiddos.

Quote #2

"You and your errands. What do you have to do, so all of a sudden?" [...] "Just things," said Karou, and Zuzana let it drop, knowing from experience that she'd get no specifics. (4.45, 4.46)

As Karou's friend, Zuzana is used to dealing with lies. But eventually gets fed up with Karou, and demands the truth. Karou's lucky Zuzana has put up with her for as long as she has.

Quote #3

"What's it all for? What do you do with these teeth? If you would just tell me, maybe I could understand." (5.51)

Of course, Brimstone never tells Karou what all the teeth her for. He keeps her in the dark for her whole life. We have to wonder whether his form of "protection" actually did Karou more harm than good.