Appearances Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Karou's] hair—loose, long, and peacock blue—was gathering a lace of snowflakes. (1.3)

Karou's appearance makes it apparent that she's the main character of this book. A striking, blue-haired girl would never be relegated to the supporting cast.

Quote #2

"[Ancient Wiktor] looks like an unwrapped mummy." [Zuzana] shuddered. "I ask you, is staring at a naked old man any way to start the day?" (2.37)

We know they're young, but for people who want to be artists of the human form, these two are surprisingly judgmental about what it should or shouldn't look like.

Quote #3

They looked like African trade beads. They were more than that. (2.95)

People aren't the only ones who have deceptive appearances in this book. Karou's plain necklace has the power to grant small wishes. If someone else got their hands on it, do you think they'd be able to make wishes, too?