Lies and Deceit Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In all Karou's life, [the door] had never been opened in her presence. (8.49)

That door symbolizes Brimstone's lies about Karou's true identity. Through it, there is a portal into the Elsewhere, as well as the place where Brimstone creates bodies. Although this is never explicitly said in the novel, he probably created Karou's body there too.

Quote #5

"Well, it's not exactly a job. I just run errands for this guy." (10.26)

Karou takes small steps toward telling Zuzana the truth about her lifestyle. It's hard to figure out what's better: hiding her magical self altogether, or telling Zuzana half-truths that sound a heck of a lot sketchier (but more believable) than the whole truth.

Quote #6

In her jacket pocket, [Karou's] fingers toyed with the store of shings from the week's errands. "I think those guys are about to leave." She nodded to the backpackers. [...] A second later, the backpackers rose to their feet. "Told you." (10.68, 10.69)

Karou often uses her wish magic for deceitful purposes. In addition to this, she makes Kaz's, um, porthole itch. And she makes Svetla's eyebrows grow huge. What are the consequences for these petty wishes?