Lies and Deceit Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Karou felt the two chimaera looking at her and tried her best to appear unconscious. (16.30)

When trying to get secrets out of someone, pretend to be asleep. You don't need magic to do that.

Quote #8

"Okay," Zuzana said. "I'm ready. [...] For a really good story that I hope will be the truth." (20.14, 20.16)

Here's the point when Zuzana gets fed up with Karou's lies. A friendship can only hold so much deceit, and Zuzana finally cracks. Brownie points to Karou for telling her the truth for the first time, even though the magic stuff is too crazy for Zuzana to believe.

Quote #9

[Akiva] couldn't tell them why he'd come here, or what he'd found. (34.36)

Akiva deceives his family, too. His reasoning is that he is going against everything the seraphim believe in: romance with a chimaera. Do you think they would understand if he told them the truth?