Isolation Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Karou] was flying. God, she wished there was someone here to share it with. (22.42)

How awesome would it be to be able to fly? How much would it suck to not have anyone to share that with? Some people feel like there's not much to live for if they don't have someone to share their experiences with.

Quote #8

"I'll keep you warm. I'll braid your hair. You'll never be lonely again." (22.69)

Well, Razgut might be a creepy little troll of an angel, but he manages to get right to the heart of Karou's pain. And what does he do with his insight? Use it to his advantage. He wants to get out of Dodge, and he realizes Karou is his golden ticket.

Quote #9

With the infinite patience of one who has learned to live broken, he awaited her return. (23.8)

Akiva might as well be an orphan, like Karou. He didn't know his mother, never identified with his father, and his brother and sister aren't exactly supportive of him. The upside to living his life in relative isolation: this infinite patience for crappy situations.