Isolation Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Karou] didn't want to be released into the wild. She wanted to be held dear. To belong to a place and a family, irrevocably. (13.2)

Karou's interpreting Brimstone's comment about "taking her freedom" pretty harshly. She's afraid she's going to lose him too, and even though he's a crocodile-headed demon, he's like a father to her.

Quote #5

Over the years [Akiva] had learned to deaden himself, and he had lived so long with the deadness that he believed pity and mercy were extinguished in him, but tonight he had experienced dull stabs of both. (18.9)

Like Karou, Akiva has lived in relative isolation his whole life. Although he doesn't yet realize it, he's starting to feel again because he was just close to Karou, who is his long-lost soulmate.

Quote #6

At the very least Issa would bring her coat and shoes. Surely. But the door didn't and didn't and still didn't open. (19.30-19.32)

We're surprised at Karou's resolve here. Despite the fact that she has just been completely cut off from the only family she's ever known, she doesn't have a nervous breakdown. Maybe she's in shock.