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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
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U.S. History 1877-Present 2: Responses to Jim Crow 763 Views
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Today we'll learn about opposition to Jim Crow and how Booker T. Washington could have been one of those rich self-help gurus in today's world.
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There were many ways that black Americans resisted Jim Crow some
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undermined the system without appearing to do so like Cooper secret double [Double agents wearing glasses and hats]
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agents many chose to play it cool they carefully navigated through the complex
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maze of rules and restrictions trying to make sure they in their families had a [Man and woman in a maze]
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future Booker T Washington, a former slave and spokesman of black vocational
Full Transcript
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learning was their guru he encouraged self-help and you know going with the [Washington giving a speech]
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flow Booker T hoped this would help his people get an education, get better jobs
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and ultimately gain economic independence... Booker T Washington
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believes black citizens had to worry about proving themselves worthy of
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social equality before they could fight disenfranchisement in segregation he's
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quoted as saying the whole future of the Negro rested largely upon the question
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as to whether or not he should make himself through his skill intelligence
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and character well Booker T's approach was kind of like a secret sneak attack [Man appears from thick grass]
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on the system of oppression not all african-americans were particularly
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thrilled with Washington's sneak attack scheme young people were feeling bolder
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than Washington unafraid of white authority and not wanting to play by [Black Americans protesting segregation]
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white rules...... Well many blacks were coming to believe that white resentment and
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retaliation was unavoidable on the road to success the intimidation harassment
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terrorism and violence they endured convinced them that the American Dream
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did not apply to them for them it was the American Nightmare and yet there
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weren't cries of viva la revolucion why not well first of all there were a few [People protesting in the street[
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little mini revolutions but they were sporadic and unorganized and they just
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led to more white violence anti-black violence was everywhere so rising up
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wouldn't exactly have been a winning strategy white lawmakers, business owners, [People in a meeting room]
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employers, landlords, educators, religious leaders and politicians were all
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encouraged they were racist jerks but at least they learned the value of
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cooperation black women and men who were too on top of their game were
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immediately shoved back down because a black person being as successful as a
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white person that sounded like crazy talk... From the
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late 19th century through the 1950s federal government put on a blindfold [Uncle Sam wearing blind fold]
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when it came to the treatment of blacks in the south and really throughout
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America the feds basically said well you guys are on your own good luck we're
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guessing African Americans were about as surprised as a kid who's sick of her [Young girl playing with a Jack-in-the-box]
- 02:31
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