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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
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U.S. History 1877-Present 2: Racism and Riots 1226 Views
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There were all kinds of riots before and during the U.S. Civil War. Except for laugh riots...and unfortunately those are the only ones we support.
- 00:04
Let's talk about northern racism because yeah that's a thing the [Man gasping at Northern racism]
- 00:09
South definitely did not have the monopoly on racist sentiment not so fun
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fact the North was the birthplace of segregation, not the south
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in cities it was the worst blacks and whites were kept separate in northern [Black man at train station]
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omnibus as stagecoaches rail ray cars steamboats theaters and lecture halls
Full Transcript
- 00:29
and drinking fountains too seriously sometimes black people were just
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excluded all together like a you know no girls allowed boys club house only a [Boys at a park]
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whole lot meaner and more serious in 1860 only five northern states allowed
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blacks to vote on equal terms with whites and big surprise surprise these states
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had very small black populations race riots even took place and these riots [Newspaper of race riots]
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weren't so much black people writing for equal rights as they were white people
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viciously attacking black people for well for existing...From 1832 to 1849 five
- 01:03
riots happened alone in Philadelphia the city's population had been swelling with [Black people in groups in Philadelphia]
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blacks and many white Philadelphians weren't cool with giving blacks their
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half of a cheesesteak in 1829 Cincinnati white's also did some rioting on their
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own twice that year huge mobs of around 300 whites attacked black neighborhoods [images of white mobs attacking black people]
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and the police and Mayor did nothing to stop it it was their bingo night or
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something like that yeah....... well then of course there were the famous draft riots
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of New York City this went down in 1863 when primarily Irish immigrants got [Irish immigrant angry with uncle sam poster]
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ticked about being drafted for the Civil War well first they were mad because
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rich guys could buy their way out of fighting the second they were mad [Man giving money to Uncle Sam]
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because they didn't see any reason to die for the freedom of black people who
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they kind of hated anyway the riot got really racist really fast with blacks
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being beaten in the streets and even black orphans homes being attacked at
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the end of the draft riots 119 people were dead so far this was actually the
- 02:03
biggest insurrection in US history besides a civil war itself let's hope we [A series of gravestones]
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don't beat that record.... well the North also has some claim to
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shoulder when it comes to the failure of reconstruction to protect the rights of
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freed blacks, no doubt southern white terrorism and violence were mostly to
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blame not to mention the subsequent takeover by the so-called Redeemers but [Men wearing KKK costumes and Redeemer waving flag]
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this counter Rev was only able to happen because of northerners going... we've
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done enough the Freedmen's Bureau was seriously understaffed and underfunded
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everybody knew about it but it was like....over all white
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northerners eventually lost interest in enforcing the policies of the Radical [North America with a sleeping emoji]
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Republicans and allowed southern Democrat Redeemers to rebuild the south
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the way they wanted which was kind of like Luke Skywalker saying you know what
- 02:50
Emperor Palpatine the Empire wasn't so bad have at it....[Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader appear together]
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