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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
Have you ever told one of your siblings to stop poking you, only to have them do something like hold their hand right in front of your face instead...
John D. Rockefeller. Greasy robber baron, or philanthropic saint? Why not both? Boy, that's a weird combination...
Today we'll learn about plans to assimilate the American Indian population after reconstruction. If you've ever seen Star Trek, you'll know that fo...
U.S. History 1877-Present 7: President Warren G. Harding 60 Views
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President Harding won the election by promising a "return to normalcy." Seems like everyone forgot how terribly corrupt big businesses normally were...
- 00:03
Once Woodrow Wilson vacated the White House in 1921 the [Woodrow Wilson in Presidents office]
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place was packed with Republicans for the rest of the decade first up to bat
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was warren g harding who campaigned on the promise that he would bring a return
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to normalcy to america but what a normal mean to Warren G mandatory oatmeal for [Warren sitting at desk with oatmeal]
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all it meant a return to a government that was pro-business anti-tax and anti
Full Transcript
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regulation well during World War one the federal government under Wilson had been
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all up in the business of big business so all the big business guys told Uncle [Big Business men approach Uncle Sam]
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Sam it was time for him to get out of their offices they figured they could do
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way better with that you know Uncle Sam cramping their style also it was just
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creepy to have some random old guy chilling in their space in a moment [Old man watching kid on computer]
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Harding's Treasury secretary mega wealthy financier Andrew Mellon actually
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cut income tax rates for the wealthiest Americans from the staggering 73 percent
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to 25 percent this created tons of capital and injected jet fuel into the [Cash falling and jet flys by]
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stock market and into new businesses helping the Jay Gatsby and Andrew Mellon
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to the world make good amounts of money and like the wealthy well they could [Man dressed in money in bedroom made of money]
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have built houses made of actual stacks of money just for fun that'd be great
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no doubt that helped create an economic boom in America but it also set the
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nation up for the economic bust of the Great Depression like money was just too [Girl celebrating with rain of coins]
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easy to borrow Harding absolutely hated the government regulation of business
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instituted under the progressive administrations of fellow Republicans
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like Teddy Roosevelt and cap will come about this course he loaded the federal
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regulatory agencies with officials plucked from the industries meant to be [People thrown into regulatory agencies]
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regulated yeah so the guys who are supposed to be monitoring certain
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industries were actually from those industries well they know the industry
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better than anyone else well many of these anti regulation regulators proved
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to be not only philosophically opposed to government regulation but sadly
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insanely corrupt under Harding's administration scandal tainted many
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departments of the government with the corrupt looting of public property [Man running through field with monopoly cards]
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costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in the most infamous incident
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called the Teapot Dome scandal Harding's anti conservationists interior
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secretary accepted bribes of nearly half a million dollars from cronies in the [Men put stacks of cash on desk]
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oil industry this was his reward for giving away drilling rights in valuable
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federal oil reserves at teapot dome Wyoming and elk Hills California well
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this kind of out-of-control corruption has led today's historians to rank
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Harding pretty high on the worst presidents lift ever this was an
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impressive achievement and Harding only served three years of his term before [Harding stood by Worst Presidents list]
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dying of a stroke while on a speaking tour yet his circulatory system was
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corrupt too [Woman point to circulatory system]
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