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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
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Today we'll learn about plans to assimilate the American Indian population after reconstruction. If you've ever seen Star Trek, you'll know that fo...
U.S. History 1877-Present 3: Women in the Gilded Age 1391 Views
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Ever wonder if they called voting suffrage to trick people into thinking they didn't want it? Well even so, it certainly didn't work on women in America. Today we'll learn about women's changing roles in society during the Gilded Age and women's suffrage.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak here's a fun surprise It turns
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out that women existed during the gilded age two and
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then we're all sitting around knitting and gossiping about dancing
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with the stars More and more they were trying to
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make their voices heard on serious political and social issues
Full Transcript
- 00:18
because apparently the their people who have real historical value
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or something Yeah women who knew but here's an even
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crazier surprised gender history isn't on ly about things women
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have done it's also about how our collective ideas about
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gender have mutated over time like take women's looks for
- 00:36
example please these days the general idea is that women
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should be one of a kind of skinny which of
- 00:42
course has caused all kinds of eating disorders and other
- 00:45
issues anorexia bulimia and every awful thing in between But
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back in the early to mid twentieth century women were
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worried about being too skinny Seriously it's true we're not
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kidding Women even bought special padding to make themselves look
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bigger We probably would have just used it as an
- 01:01
excuse to go eat more ben and jerry's but separate
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issue well the point is that neither men nor women
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were necessarily responsible for this gradual shift in the ideal
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of feminine beauty It took a complex shift in perception
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that crossed both genders and this complex shift has affected
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more than perceptions of women's looks Otherwise it wouldn't be
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all that complex what it ideas of women's entire place
- 01:24
in society has changed In the nineteen forties women were
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supposed to be stay at home moms who baked perfect
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cakes or perfect makeup and basically acted like the women
- 01:33
in mad men but happy yeah today's women have more
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options men's roles and expectations have changed a lot too
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what's interesting is that a lot of movement to change
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men's role in society has been a reaction to something
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women were doing Why were american men around nineteen hundred
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told that they were a bunch of mama's boys who
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needed it Crunch heads and football games than wrestle bears
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Well partly because american women had been asserting themselves and
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taking a leading role in society This made the dudes
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in power sweat because if women were powerful well then
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men couldn't be at least that's how the reasoning went
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they figured one sex has to be the leader and
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the other has to be the follower Big teddy roosevelt
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got in on this idea He liked to go on
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and on about how men needed to get strenuous because
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women have been getting pretty strenuous themselves in the eighteen
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seventies through about the nineteen hundreds and by straining us
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we don't mean they were brushing up on their dead
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left What exactly were these strenuous sisters doing well after
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the civil war when black men were given the right
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to vote women pushed harder than ever before to get
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suffers a voting rights They gave speeches wrote editorial staged
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a protest march held prayer meetings and generally work themselves
- 02:43
ragged Yes that's Why we call it suffrage while american
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women were not given the right to vote in all
- 02:49
local and national elections until nineteen twenty between eighteen seventeen
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nineteen twenty many states allowed women to vote in local
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elections and this freak some men out So they cooked
- 02:59
up the idea of separate spheres in the maternal commonwealth
- 03:04
Both of these ideas proved that just because of words
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sounds fancy doesn't mean it's right The idea was that
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men and women naturally had different abilities God meant them
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To be separate and that god naturally gave men the
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ability to have power education wealth intelligence and independence God's
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gift to women Well the ability to have children and
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take care of men who weigh about women spend a
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lot of time looking for the gift receipt there Well
- 03:29
men fighting against women's right to vote said women contributed
- 03:32
to politics by raising you guessed it boys who would
- 03:36
someday vote and that was the maternal commonweal Women have
- 03:40
children so the nation can grow and that's what women
- 03:42
are supposed to dio at their political rule Society would
- 03:45
blow up in an explosion of death star proportions if
- 03:49
ladies didn't stay in their women's sphere It's A shame
- 03:52
that women sphere wasn't one of those plastic bubbles We
- 03:54
can roll around it Make history of gender issues in 00:03:57.58 --> [endTime] america a whole lot more fun
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