Help Using Shmoop


How do I start my students in a Test Prep?

So you just got handed Shmoop Test Prep on a silver platter. Now what? You'll want to add students to your Test Prep classroom and then have them complete a diagnostic (or five) so they can see what areas they need to work on.

Step 1:

Click on your username in the top right of the screen (or the top of the view on mobile).


Step 2:

Choose "View Classrooms" on your Dashboard.


If you don't have a classroom set up, you'll need to do that first. Choose "Create Classroom" instead, and follow the set-up process.

Step 3:

Choose the classroom you want to invite students to.


Step 4:

Go to the "Manage" tab of that classroom.


Step 5:

Scroll down to "Class Roster" and click + INVITE STUDENTS.


Step 6:

Type in the student's email address, and click add. If you want to add multiple students, separate each email address with a comma.


Step 7:

Click Invite!


Step 8:

Once students have accepted your invitation, have them take a diagnostic exam.

They'll do that by accessing the Test Prep product via the classroom and then choosing which diagnostic to take on their dashboard (by clicking that Go button).


Step 9:

When they're done, they'll be able to see how they scored and get a skill breakdown. From there, they can save their report or send it directly to you.


Step 10:

And you can view your students’ progress on the Gradebook tab within your Classroom.


Click on the individual item name, and you'll be able to see exactly which questions that answered correctly...and incorrectly, as the case may be.

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