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How can my students find past results within Test Prep?

Some students might wish their Test Prep results would disappear into the Shmoopiverse, luck. Whenever a student takes a diagnostic exam or practice exam, their results are saved and can be reviewed later. Whether they like it or not.

There are a couple of ways for students to see their past results, so let's take a look.

"Saved Reports" Tab

Step 1

If your student sees a "Saved Reports" tab, they can just click on that sucker. In the image below, you can see that the student has completed all of the diagnostic exams ("Check for Report") but hasn't started any of the practice exams ("Start"). If they see "Check for Report," they can go ahead and click it.


Step 2 

When they do, they'll get a pop-up with all of the times they've taken the exam—listed by date. In the image below, you can see that the student has taken the exam once on 10/27/2015.


Step 3

Clicking on the report link will bring up the full report: score and full-on exam, showing the individual answers that the student selected for each question within the exam—and whether they were right or wrong.


Within the Exams

In some of Shmoop's Test Prep products, your students may not see the Saved Reports Tab. But they can still access previous results—just in a slightly different way.

Step 1

First, they'll click on "Practice Exams." There, they'll see diagnostic exams and practice exams. In the image below, you can see that the student has taken the Writing Diagnostic exam, but not the other two. That means they'll have one result to view.

To view the results of that diagnostic, students will click the very first "Start" button, the one next to "Diagnostic Exam." Note: They shouldn't click on the "Retake" or "Start" buttons next to individual exams; that will have them—you guessed it—retake or start the actual exams. The top button is what will allow them to view results.


Step 2

When they click, it will launch a section where they can view reports for previously taken sections. In the example below, the student has only taken the Writing Diagnostic, so there is only a "Previous Results" section for that exam. If the student clicks that blue hyperlinked date (that's the date they took the exam), they'll be able to see their full results for that exam.


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