Help Using Shmoop


How do I link students to my teacher subscription?

Want to monitor your students' progress and get a little rush of Big Brother? By adding students to your teacher subscription, you can follow their progress, grade their work, and otherwise keep an eye on how they're doing.

Step 1

Head on over to your Dashboard, and under "Subscriptions," choose "Account Info."


Step 2

Note: If you've already purchased the teacher subscription with student seats included, please skip ahead to Step 3. 

Click "Add Licenses," and then add as many licenses (student subscriptions) as you'd like.


Step 3

Then click "Invite members" under "Current Users" to invite the users you've just paid for to join your subscription.


Step 4

If you'd like to add or delete members, click the "Manage Members" button on your Dashboard.


From there you can add and delete to your heart's content.

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