Sacrifice Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then, feeling the coldness of the steel against his fingertips, he pulls the fire alarm. (2.15.45)

Lev is so desperate to be caught that he makes the decision to sacrifice Connor and Risa's freedom for them. He might think he's doing a good thing, but he isn't.

Quote #5

Connor had risked his life to save Lev, just as Connor had done for the baby on the doorstep. Well, the baby had been saved, but Lev had not, and although he knows he can't be held responsible for Lev's unwinding, he feels as if it is his fault. (3.23.3)

Here Connor takes another risk, but this one is a little more understandable. He thinks that by sacrificing some of his freedom to save the baby, he's repaying a cosmic debt his family incurred years ago.

Quote #6

"So you're a tithe! That's great. You don't even know how great that is." (5.35.25)

The group of clappers believes in making the ultimate sacrifice—that's why they're suicide bombers. And that's why they think it's great that Lev is a tithe. He's been prepared to die for a long time.