Identity Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The mother is nineteen, but she doesn't feel that old. (2.9.1)

In this society, someone who is nineteen is considered an adult. But just because it's okay by law, does that mean a nineteen year old should be having a baby? If she does, what should she do with it?

Quote #5

"Don't you see, Lev? You can save yourself. You can be anyone you want to be now." (2.15.36)

Later on we're told that Lev feels like no one (2.18.12). Without his "chosen" and "blessed" labels, he has no idea who or what he wants to be.

Quote #6

Who is [Connor] kidding? Lev was a tithe from the moment he was born. You don't undo thirteen years of brainwashing in two days. (2.19.12)

This is a good point. How you grow up plays a major part in who you become when you're older. Lev can't just choose to change one day…or can he?