Perseverance Quotes in Unbroken

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Louie] trained so hard that he rubbed the skin right off one of his toes, leaving his sock bloody. (1.3.9)

Um, ouch. Louie really has to push through the pain if, as a runner, he's running with bloody feet. 

Quote #5

Louie could feel his feet cooking: the spikes on his hoes were conducting heat up from the track. (1.3.20)

Here we see the mind-over-matter attitude that Louie embodies during his track career, a method of pushing away pain that will come in handy when he's at war. 

Quote #6

"I can fly this thing anywhere," Phil said, turning the plane into the storm. (2.8.12)

Phil's perseverance can sometimes come across as arrogance. But it's not arrogance if you always succeed, is it?