Friendship Quotes in Unbroken

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All three men were indispensable. Had there been only two, they couldn't have pumped, patched, and repelled the sharks. (3.15.30)

Louie, Phil, and Mac make a great team—someone's on pump duty, someone's on patch duty, and someone's on shark-punching duty. Being on a plane together for so long enables them to work in unison with little friction, like they're a well-oiled machine themselves.

Quote #8

Slipping between cool, clean sheets, their stomachs full, their sores soothed, they were deeply grateful to have been received with such compassion. Phil had a relieved thought: They are our friends. (3.17.26)

It doesn't take much to make a friend in war. Sometimes an act of kindness is all it takes, because in war these acts, especially between warring nations, are few and far between. 

Quote #9

Kawamura could do nothing to improve the physical conditions in which the captives lived, but his kindness was lifesaving. (4.18.38)

Kawamura is one of the few Japanese guards who are friendly toward the prisoners. Even the smallest gestures go a long way.