Men and Masculinity Quotes in This Is Where I Leave You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When I try on the black one Mom has chosen it fits perfectly, except for slacks being an inch or so too short. I am somewhat surprised, because I've always seen him as taller than me. I never got close enough to know better. (30.12)

Judd still sees his father the way he did when he was a kid, and it's hard for him to realize that his father went through all of same experiences that Judd is struggling with now. But guess what, Judd? Men have struggled with these issues for, well, as long as we've been modern humans. (But don't ask us how long that is. Wars have been fought over that question.)

Quote #8

"I've been trying to get pregnant for almost two years [...] I take a drug to make me ovulate, and my eggs have tested fine, but Paul won't get his sperm tested." (31.20)

Alice is desperate to have a child, but Paul is unwilling to even get his sperm tested. We're not psychologists, but that sounds like some serious insecurity to us.

Quote #9

The socket wrench clicks noisily as it spins, and I can see the long muscles in his forearms flex and move as he turns it. He has spent his life working with tools, and they fit naturally in his hands. (32.1)

Like many of us, Judd associates his father with tools. The tools represent many things: strength, wisdom, and the ability to fix problems for the people around him. And they're pretty handy for hanging shelves and tightening faucets, too.