This Is Where I Leave You Questions

  1. What does Judd's habit of daydreaming say about his character?
  2. Do you think the failure of Judd and Jen's relationship is more his fault, or more hers?
  3. How much of the way we read the novel is affected by the fact that Judd is telling us the story? Would Jen's version sound very different?
  4. Which parent do you think had a bigger influence on Judd: Mort or Hillary?
  5. How would the novel be different if Horry hadn't gotten brain damage? Similarly, how would things have changed if Paul hadn't been attacked by a Rottweiler?
  6. How do Judd's dreams help him grieve his father's death?
  7. What are Judd's views on women? Are his views fair or unfair? To what extent do these views depend on his opinions about masculinity?
  8. Which day of the shiva could be identified as a turning point for Judd?
  9. Do you think Phillip will turn his life around? Why or why not?
  10. What do you think Judd will do after he spends the night in Maine?