How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"I am a flawed person. I was unhappy and did something inexcusable. But as much as you might hate me for ruining your life, playing the victim isn't really working out for you" (2.13)
Although Judd is justified in his anger, Jen has a real point here. Judd won't be able to move on with his life unless he learns to live with her betrayal, so he'd better get himself into some therapy and learn to deal.
Quote #2
It would be so much easier if she wasn't Jen. But she is, and where there was once the purest kind of love, there is now a snake pit of fury and resentment and a new dark and twisted love that hurts more than the rest of it put together (2.28)
Ooh, ooh, we've got a good analogy for this. Love is powerful—like, say, dynamite. Betrayal, on the other hand, is like a lit match. On their own, they're fine. Together, they make one nasty mess.
Quote #3
In the days that followed, I would review the last year or so of our marriage like the security tapes after a robbery, wondering how the hell I could have been so damn oblivious, how it took actually walking in on them to finally get the picture (3.12)
Sure, Judd could figure things out if he investigated them like the lead detective in a serial killer flick, but something tells us that this wouldn't be the best thing for his sanity. Those detectives always have a little something off about them, anyway.