Men and Masculinity Quotes in This Is Where I Leave You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But at this moment, all I can think about is the fact the Wade Boulanger is all cock and no sperm. (20.12)

This is the one chink in Wade's super-manly armor. It might seem like this would be a silly thing for Judd to be happy about, but we wouldn't want to insult Judd's fragile sense of masculinity by calling anything about him silly.

Quote #5

"You've got six months or so to get your s*** together, to be ready to be a father and start caring for someone other than yourself." (25.27)

When push comes to shove, that's all manhood is really about: accepting your responsibility to the people around you. It's a lot less sexy than making love to women and dominating other men, so naturally, it'll take some time for the message to completely sink into Judd's head.

Quote #6

I bleed into the fuzz of his peacoat as he rubs my back and says, "It's okay, bubbie. You're okay. Everything's fine." And then he stands me up on a bench and pulls out a handkerchief to softly wipe away from my blood. (29.6)

This is a rare moment of tenderness from Mort. Although Judd hasn't thought about the memory in many years, it helps him remember that his father was capable of great compassion too. So maybe men don't actually have to go around beating people up all the time? Imagine that.