Betrayal Quotes in This Is Where I Leave You

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It had been only a minute or so since I'd walked through the bedroom door, and my brain has not yet adjusted to this suddenly transformed world where I no longer comforted Jen because I hated her (3.41)

After he catches Jen having sex with Wade, Judd still feels a borderline-biological drive to care for Jen. The betrayal is so profound that his instincts take over, even though his conscious mind knows that she's actually in the act of betraying him.

Quote #5

She always cared a little too much about being liked, and the guilt over her betrayal isn't nearly as upsetting to her as the fact that I now despise her. (9.35)

Really, Judd? Are you sure about this? With Judd's poor track record of assessing Jen's emotions, we're not sure he's reading her correctly here. He's still so focused on his own feelings of betrayal that he can't see his part in it.

Quote #6

I was being offered a consolation prize. Numbers had been crunched, risk assessed, and they had estimated the value of my broken marriage at another thirty thousand dollars a year before taxes. (14.25)

There's nothing like a bit of professional betrayal to go along with all of the emotional carnage. The dehumanization of this sort of corporate proceedings is just the cherry on top of the humiliation sundae.