How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
She's not here to get me back or even to pay her respects. She has Wade's baby in her belly and out money in her mind. And now the rage is back, along with a healthy measure of self-loathing for being the pathetic cuckold who wants his cheating wife back. (18.79)
Judd isn't just angry that Jen betrayed him—he's also angry that she betrayed him and he finds himself still wanting her back. In a way, you could say that he's betraying himself by wanting her.
Quote #8
When, exactly, did she cross that line and stop being mine? The only thing more painful than not knowing would be knowing. Having to go back to every picture in every album and stamp it real or lie. I don't have the stomach for it. (31.89)
Jen's betrayal forces Judd to reexamine their relationship. How much of their marriage was a lie? When did he lose her? Problem is, sometimes those questions just open up the wounds. You can't move forward if you're always questioning the past. (That's a good life lesson, Shmoopers. Write it down.)
Quote #9
Friendship in the suburbs is wife-driven [...] Now that I'd been sidelined, Wade had stepped in for me like an understudy. (31.95)
Now that he's out of the situation, Judd can see that many of his "friends" weren't real friends at all. Between you and us, though, this revelation might be a good thing.