The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 3: August 24, 1823 Quotes

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 3: August 24, 1823 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

They waited all morning for Hugh Glass to die. He never gained consciousness. [...] Still, his chest rose and fell, each breath stubbornly followed by another. (1.3.42)

Hugh Glass is so persistent that he doesn't stop swinging even when he's unconscious. That's boss status. What's more, this sets the tone for everything that follows, as it shows that Glass is far tougher than a human being has any right to be. Are we sure that this dude isn't a Terminator or something?

Quote 5

In the hierarchy of challenges the trappers faced each day, obtaining food [...] involved a complicated balancing of benefits and risks. (1.3.3)

Even hunting is risky here. After all, a gunshot can be heard for a pretty long distance, and you never know who's going to be around the next bend. Could be a group of Arikara warriors. Could be a bear. Might as well be the Grim Reaper itself, if you ask us.