The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 15: October 9, 1823 Quotes

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 15: October 9, 1823 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"Bit of a silly venture, isn't it? [...] Chase down your betrayers in the spring, if you're still inclined" [...]

"It's not an issue on which I asked your counsel." (1.15.113-115)

Note that Kiowa isn't even telling Glass to stop his quest for revenge—he's merely asking him to put it on hold. Glass has no interest in this advice, however. Now, whether you chalk this up to bravery or just good, old-fashioned foolhardiness, you can't deny that it shows Glass's incredible determination.

Quote 5

Scattered teepees spotted the clearing around the fort, a few pitched temporally by Indians visiting to trade, a few pitched permanently by resident Yankton Sioux drunks. (1.15.3)

This is a perfect illustration of U.S.-Indian relations of the frontier. While there are plenty of individuals who benefit from the increased presence of traders, there are plenty of others whose way of life has been completely upended by this invading force. In other words, this situation is grayer than an old school Game Boy.

Quote 6

Taken bit by bit, none of the foreboding seemed overwhelming. Yet Yellow Horse sensed that these scattered strands [...] braided in a warning that he could not yet fully perceive. (1.15.28)

Yellow Horse is the only one who realizes that a calamity is about to strike the frontier. Between a rapid increase in trading, the growing presence of the U.S. military, and the continuing assaults waged by the Arikara tribes, the current situation is like a fuse ready to blow at any time. The only question that remains is who's going to drop the match.