Women and Femininity Quotes in The Red Tent

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I laughed until my sides ached. I smiled until my face hurt. It was good to be a woman! (2.6.25)

Well, it's all well and good until she's giving birth.

Quote #8

Although I had stopped worshipping my mothers as perfect creatures, I looked forward to those days with them and the other women who bled. (2.6.42)

Yeah, that's right, folks: these women actually enjoy menstruation, as it gives them a chance to bond. That's one way to look at it.

Quote #9

In the space of his years, my body had taken its full shape and my heart had grown in wisdom, for I understood what it was to be a mother. (3.2.2)

Dinah is a girl, then a woman, and then a mother. This third stage is where she gains her wisdom. Why does motherhood change so much for her?