The Martian Quotes by Chapter

Chapter 1

I don't even know who'll read this. I guess someone will find it eventually. Maybe a hundred years from now. (1.5)

Chapter 2

I wonder if they'll ever find out what really happened. I've been so busy staying alive I never thought of what this must be like for my parents. (2.63)

Chapter 3

This sort of farming [...] would turn their land into a dust bowl within twelve years. It's not sustainable. But who cares? I just need to survive for four years. (3.17)

Chapter 4

I'm going to be setting a fire. In the Hab. On purpose. If you asked every engineer at NASA what the worst scenario for the Hab was, they'd answer "fire." (4.14-15)

Chapter 6

"The entire focus of NASA will be to bring Mark Watney home. This will be our overriding and singular obsession until he is either back on Earth or confirmed dead on Mars." (6.188)

Chapter 7

Mars is a barren wasteland and I am completely alone here. I already knew that, of course. But there's a difference between knowing it and really experiencing it. (7.101)

Chapter 8

"Communication would be a great thing. But traversing [...] to Ares 4 is incredibly dangerous. [...] If we could talk to him, we'd certainly tell him that." (8.19)

Chapter 9

Jesus Christ, I'd give anything for a five-minute conversation with anyone. Anyone, anywhere. About anything. (9.42-43)

Chapter 10

At first, I figured it was my duty [...] But then it started to get fun. Now, as I drive, I look forward to that simple act of bagging rocks. (10.8)

Chapter 11

This was an insane plan and somehow it worked! I'm going to be talking to someone again. I spent three months as the loneliest man in history and it's finally over. (11.23)

Chapter 12

"You really think I'll leave you behind?" Martinez said."I just ordered you to," Lewis replied. (12.111-112)

Chapter 13

Now that NASA can talk to me, they won't shut the hell up. (13.4)

Chapter 14

I've got a few minutes before I run out of air and I'll be damned if I spend them playing Mars's little game. (14.2)

Chapter 15

"Mark Watney's [...] prolonged mission and fight for survival are giving us more knowledge about Mars then the rest of the Ares program combined." (15.138)

Chapter 16

"Iris 2 only risks one life. Rich Purnell risks all six of them. I know Rich Purnell is more likely to work, but I don't think it's six times more likely." (16.193)

Chapter 17

Pathfinder's dead. I've lost my ability to contact Earth. I'm on my own. (17.136-137)

Chapter 18

I've been in mortal danger for months; I'm kind of used to it now. But I'm nervous again. Dying would suck, but my crewmates dying would be way worse. (18.125)

Chapter 19

"What happens if the probe fails, Beth?" her father asked."Everyone would die but me," she said. "They'd all take pills and die." (19.167)

Chapter 20

I'm totally exhausted but I can't sleep. Every sound scares the s*** out of me. Is that the Hab popping? No. Okay...What was that!? (20.90)

Chapter 21

I never realized how utterly silent Mars is. It's a desert world with practically no atmosphere to convey sound. I could hear my own heartbeat. (21.167)

Chapter 22

"Twelve days," Cathy said to the camera. "All of Earth is watching but powerless to help." (22.25)

Chapter 24

If I get back to Earth, I'll be famous, right? A fearless astronaut who beat all the odds, right? I bet women like that. (24.103)

Chapter 25

In four hours, I'm going to ride a giant explosion into orbit. This is something I've done a few times before, but never with a jury-rigged mess like this. (25.187)

Chapter 26

"If I can't reach Mark, I want you to release my tether." "Dr. Beck," Vogel said, "the commander has said no to this." (26.44-45)