The Martian Chapter 17 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 17 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Pathfinder's dead. I've lost my ability to contact Earth. I'm on my own. (17.136-137)

Here's a trick for reading The Martian—if things are looking up, then you're only pages away from it all tumbling back down. You wanted independence, Mark? Well, your wish has been granted.

Mark Watney

Quote 2

The worst moments in life are heralded by small observations. The tiny lump on your side that wasn't there before. Coming home [...] and seeing two wineglasses in the sink. (17.97)

Although Mark has gotten used to living in fear, he hasn't exactly transformed into Braveheart. The fact of the matter is that something could go disastrously wrong in an instant, and Mark needs to be vigilant to prevent that from happening. While good, that sort of attention is going to drive you crazy at some point.

Mark Watney

Quote 3

Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshipped. (17.50)

Jeez, Mark should just get a sponsorship deal already. We can already see the pitch: If duct tape is good enough for Mark Watney, then you can be darn tootin' it's good enough for you! Jokes aside, this passage shows that the most useful technology isn't always the flashiest.