The Martian Chapter 13 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 13 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Mark Watney

Quote 1

Now that NASA can talk to me, they won't shut the hell up. (13.4)

How quickly things change! We're sure that Mark wouldn't go back to radio silence if you paid him, but we can understand why he reacts like this—he simply misses his independence.

Mark Watney

Quote 2

NASA, however, is absolutely shitting itself [...] To them, equipment failure is terrifying. To me, it's "Tuesday." (13.57)

What a difference a few months make. Do you remember how frightened Mark was on Day 1 of this ordeal? Look at him now! This passage shows us that courage isn't about not feeling fear—it's about learning to manage it.

Mark Watney

Quote 3

They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially "colonized" it. So technically, I colonized Mars. (13.7)

He actually did it! Mark is feeling pretty good about life right now: creating the first Martian farm feels like slam dunking the ball in Mars' face. Now that's what you call a Space Jam.