The Martian Chapter 6 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Teddy Sanders

Quote 1

"The entire focus of NASA will be to bring Mark Watney home. This will be our overriding and singular obsession until he is either back on Earth or confirmed dead on Mars." (6.188)

Mark isn't the only one making sacrifices. Although it's easy to focus on the daring exploits of the astronauts, the pencil-pushers at NASA are playing their part too. Plus, it's not like money grows on trees: NASA is definitely going to be over budget when everything is said and done. Regardless, Teddy makes it clear that no price is too steep.

Teddy Sanders

Quote 2

"Naturally," Teddy said. "Astronauts are inherently insane. And really noble." (6.197)

Mark and co. fly in the face of popular stereotypes of scientists. They don't spend their days in front of computers. They don't spend their nights tinkering in labs. They go on adventures.

"Space travel is dangerous [...] They're sad that they lost a crewmate, but they'd be devastated if they found out they'd abandoned him alive." (6.110)

This is a tough call. Would knowing that they left their friend behind make the crew feel any better? Or would it only make them feel worse? There are no easy answers to these questions, but the truth has to come out eventually—that Band-Aid needs to be torn off.