The Martian Chapter 26 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 26 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"If I can't reach Mark, I want you to release my tether."
"Dr. Beck," Vogel said, "the commander has said no to this." (26.44-45)

Beck is one tough cookie. In one moment, he decides to go against his orders and perform a risky maneuver, even though it could lead to a very nasty death. This is something we see time and time again over the course of The Martian.

Mark Watney

Quote 2

They did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it's true. (26.424)

It might sound new agey, but it's 100% true. Mark's story inspired countless individuals to join the cause and aid in his rescue, each making their own sacrifices—big and small—over those two years. Everybody contributed to getting him home, in their own way.

Quote 3

In Chicago, a middle-aged couple clutched each other's hands as they watched. The man held his wife gently as she rocked back and forth out of sheer terror. (26.4)

Finally, we get a brief glimpse of Mark's family. Although it's easy to get caught up in the suspense of Mark's exploits, we can't forget the real psychological strain they must take on his loved ones. Like Mark, however, we're separated from their perspective and unable to fully understand their feelings on this ordeal.