Language and Communication Quotes in Pyongyang

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

When the father finds out the children are lost, he should not be smiling. (4.3)

Guy’s animation job can be funny—especially at times like these, when something critical gets lost in translation.

Quote #5

I tried to convey that I didn’t understand Korean [...] but [the animation director] just kept coming back for more. (4.5)

Guy and the animation director end up communicating with rudimentary charades. We’re not sure how much they understand each other’s points.

Quote #6

“How about we go see the animators on the 11th floor? I still haven’t met them. It seems a bit strange.”

“Yes, fine. No problem. [Three panels of increasingly complicated Korean text.]” (5.10-5.13)

This gag reminds us of Mad TV’s Korean drama skits. The language is so different, it takes them a long time to say short things. Why do you think that is? How does this affect communication?