Manipulation Quotes in Pyongyang

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1

My guide suggests we visit the highest point in the city to admire the view before going to the hotel. An elegant way of taking me on a stop that’s obligatory for newcomers without being obvious. (1.21-1.22)

This is the beginning of North Korea’s long sell. They want outsiders to like them, really like them. But they try too hard.

Quote #2

Do not do anything on your own. (1.32)

Visits to North Korea are strictly controlled. A guide is attached to everyone like a ball and chain. Everything the visitor sees is filtered through the (mis)information the guides give.

Quote #3

“I don’t mean to complain, but this is the filthiest tablecloth I’ve ever seen.” (2.9)

North Korea seems to be a master of misdirection. Restaurant No. 2 is flashy on the outside, but dirty up close. Let’s just hope it isn’t Restaurant No. 2’s namesake all over the table linens...