How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)
Quote #1
My hotel is on a small island, not far from downtown. (1.35)
How symbolic. Not only is Guy isolated from the rest of the citizenry by having to be accompanied by a guide the whole time, but his hotel is also on a literal island.
Quote #2
North Korea is the world’s most isolated country. Foreigners trickle in. There’s no Internet. There are no cafes. In fact, there’s no entertainment. (1.37)
We don’t have much to add to this quote other than to say we’re glad we’re not there. It sounds like a miserable existence. Beyond that, though: we can understand why North Korea won’t let foreigners in. We can understand why there’s no Internet. There are no cafes probably because Dear Leader doesn’t want people talking to each other. But why is there no entertainment? What purpose do you think that serves?