How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)
Quote #1
[lots of music notes and Korean characters] “Kim Il-Sung” [more music notes and Korean characters] (2.64)
Guy’s translator is singing propaganda songs to him, though without knowing what she’s saying, how does he know? It could be the 100% Korean-language version of “Gangnam Style.” Probably not, though. Most (all?) North Koreans probably don’t even know that song exists.
Quote #2
[The Chinese] leave the door open, watch television in their underwear, and yell to each other from room to room until late into the night. (3.36-3.37)
There is quite a cultural difference between the way Guy acts at the hotel (getting drunk every night) and the way the Chinese residents act at night. What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Quote #3
“Jeezus! It’s even written in Korean.” (3.75)
Guy has a difficult time communicating with the housekeeping at the hotel, who insists at coming in at 7 a.m. to bring him water. Hey, Guy, at least they’re bringing you drinkable water. That’s something you need after all those nights you’re out drinking until the wee hours.