Isolation Quotes in Pyongyang

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #4

The benefit of foreigners is they don’t speak Korean, preventing contact with the locals. (3.41)

It looks like the only foreigners North Korea wants to let in are those who don’t speak Korean. The more contact North Koreans have with the outside world, the more they might start to realize how much Dear Leader is lying to them.

Quote #5

It was during these long walks that I was able to talk more freely with the only North Koreans I was authorized to associate with. (4.54)

It’s strange to be “authorized to associate” with certain people. How weird must it be to visit a foreign country and not even be able to strike up a conversation with whomever you want? Can you even trust the people you’re authorized to speak with? We seriously doubt it.

Quote #6

Before going into the animators’ room, we take off our shoes. Korea has contributed a lot to Japanese culture. (5.25)

Don’t even get us started on Japanese-Korean relations. We’ll just say that you can bet any and all contributions Korea made to Japanese culture did not come from post-1948 North Korea. What’s interesting is that North Korea is trying to claim that they contributed anything cultural to anyone, ever. Sorry, North Korea. We’re not convinced.