Absurdity Quotes in Pyongyang

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #10

When I arrived, I saw a team of “volunteers,” hanging from ropes, paint a pretty royal blue over the rust on the bridge we crossed every day. Three fourths of the way across, the work stopped (shortage of blue?), and the workers never came back. Two weeks later, the rust began to show through the paint. This display of efficiency seemed like an apt analogy for the country and its regime. (4.76-4.79)

We were going to include this bridge in our “Symbolism” section, but Guy kind of spelled the whole thing out for us. Do you agree with his assessment?

Quote #11

To keep from wearing out their hems, the boys walk around like this: [Illustration of a guy with his pants tucked into his socks].

And when it’s hot, they also do this: [Illustration of a boy with his pants rolled up]. (9.30)

Guy also criticizes the way North Korean women dress, though his main problem seems to be that he can’t see their legs or their cleavage. He wants them to conform to his cultural norms, not the other way around. But beyond that, Guy is pointing out that the North Koreans are so poor that they can barely afford more than one pair of pants. Even if they could afford more, would there be any on the shelves for them to buy?