Memory and the Past Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The past is all we've got here," she says, picking up her pace a little. (17.28)

But maybe it's not. Maybe Pressia should be thinking more about the present.

Quote #8

Partridge doesn't say anything at first. Maybe he's flooded with memories, too, or he's wondering if he should invent some story for her, the way her grandfather did. Doesn't he want to be able to fill in her lost childhood, like a real brother could? (39.31)

Memory is highly individual; you can't have someone "fix" your memory. The best we can do as is try to remind someone of certain experiences… but if they can't remember, then sometimes the memory is just lost.

Quote #9

She wants to tell her everything that she's been holding on to—her memories like beads of a necklace. (52.47)

Pressia reveres both the memories she knows are factual and the ones that she's less certain of. This is one of the things we love about her: she holds on to the past when other people are keen to forget it.