Memory and the Past Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They want to erase us, the past, but we can't let them. (5.39)

It's almost as if the people inside the Dome want to pretend that the Detonations didn't happen. But the wretches have a different opinion about it. To them, the Detonations are the most life-altering event of the past.

Quote #5

The particles soon and rise, reminding him again of something else from his childhood, but he can't think of what—something like snow? (10.45)

One of the most crucial aspects of memory is how it can elicit a tactile sensation. We've already seen a few examples of trying to remember a certain moment, but actually feeling the moment is totally different.

Quote #6

Although her memories are brightly colored, crisp, sometimes tactile—like she can almost feel the Before—she can never quite express those sensations. (17.26)

The tricky thing about memory is that you never feel fulfilled unless you can grasp the whole memory. And even if you can, it's almost impossible to describe in full.