Race Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Annette] was leery of most other prisoners who were not middle class and white. (4.65)

Sure, Annette's being a little racist here. She was burned in the past by non-white people, and now she projects that experience onto any other brown person who comes her way.

Quote #5

About half were Latino […] about 24 percent white, 24 percent African-American and Jamaican, and then a very random smattering. (4.74)

Why are there so many Latinas in prison? They make up half the population. Is there more crime in their demographic, or are they more likely to be prosecuted and imprisoned?

Quote #6

I could hold my own with them, despite being white. (6.79)

Piper likes to let us know when she's the exception to the rule. She has visitors every day, she gets tons of mail, and she gets to hang with anyone she wants to, despite her race.