Identity Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

With no job, no money, no possessions, no phone privileges, I was verging on a nonperson. (4.25)

As prisoners, Piper and all the inmates are pretty much all non-persons. To be a non-person inside prison makes Pipe a non-non-person. (Does that double negative actually make her a person again? No, no it doesn't.)

Quote #8

I breathed a little easier, hoping Crazy Eyes would spread the word to the other committed lesbians that I was not "like that," even though in some other lifetime I had been. (8.30)

Piper tries to shed her lesbian past while in prison in order to keep other women at bay. Having Larry visit so often helps her cement her new identity as a heterosexual.

Quote #9

I felt like I was pretty firmly established in the Camp's social ecology. (9.41)

Piper starts feeling pretty comfortable in the position she's secured for herself in prison by mostly keeping out of the way and helping people when she can. Because of this, she feels she's entitled to eat whatever she wants at the salad bar. These are things you have to think about in prison.